Medical Symptoms & Conditions

Medical conditions are used to describe a patient's conditions. What you will see below has been reproduced for conditions that may affect people involved in the Transport, Logistics and Fleet marketplace. 

The subject matter within this section includes:

Drivers and Employers

The largest workforce within this industry is, without doubt, the driver workforce, with medical standards forming a fundamental part of their daily working lives. For Operators/Employers, it is in your best interest to ensure that your driver workforce is safe, compliant, and considered at all times - your duty of care.

Medical Standards and the DVLA

The DVLA has a role to ensure that the medical standards of drivers and the issue of all driving licenses are carried out in the best interests of all, with an emphasis placed on Road Safety. To this end, the DVLA employs its own fully qualified medical advisers who are supported by administrative staff, to ensure that those drivers with medical conditions are able to satisfy the medical standards required for safe driving.

Setting Medical Standards for Drivers

The Secretary of State has appointed a number of advisory panels to provide expert advice on the medical standards required for safe driving. There are separate panels covering the major medical conditions/disorders. The panels consist of experts in their medical field who meet on a regular basis to review the standards in the light of medical research and advancements in medical science.

There are higher medical standards in place for the driving of Lorries and buses because of the size and weight of the vehicles involved and also the length of time drivers may spend at the wheel in the course of their occupation.

Please visit the links below for further information:

Medical Conditions – DVLA

Driving whilst Medical renewal with DVLA – Section 88

We have reproduced the text on each subject from what we believe are wholly professional and reliable sources, and have done so in good faith. However, we cannot endorse the views expressed on these subjects.